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15 biggest mistake a girl can make
Monday, January 24, 2011 at 5:01 PM


I'll play for you.

15 biggest mistake a girl can make
at 5:01 PM

Created By Blinc Eyeliner

I'll play for you.

daddy's little girl
Friday, January 21, 2011 at 10:18 PM

oh god.. i've never been happier to seen that rusted old orange gate which i have walked through for 11 years..
i've never been happier to see my 90 year old grandma in her blue slippers walking around the house..
i've never been happier to see my cambodia maid who doesn't see english..
i've never been happier to see my little brother and sister singing "puppies and monkey" all day long..
i've never been happier....to see my lovely parent's smile..as they welcomed me back into.. The House..

i know it has only been a week but i miss home like shit already :( guess my heart will always be in melaka

i mean think about it.. what's so nice..about eating expensive food..which taste normal to you every single day..and you have to pay for it?
what's so nice about letting ur parents worried every single day and get a heart attack everytime we tell them we're out?
what's so nice about taking a runaway cab that brings you around kl to cheat your money?
what's so nice about leaving your family and freedom? well duh..you'll definitely enjoy freedom for awhile.. but after that.. you'll feel like your family isn't looking out for you.. and you're suppose to make all your decisions by yourself now..

i never thought i'll EVER sound like that..seriously..
i always wanted to show my family that i can be independent if i want too..
well there.. i'll prove myself right.. what now?
gosh.. i miss melaka T_T

don't get me wrong..
i love taylors..
it's just that i miss staying with my family and friends :(
i miss everyone a hell load..
and yeah.. the ppl at taylors are awesome.. and extreamely friendly i must point out..
but it's just different..
i never danced in the rain with these guys..
i never sang in classes with them to annoy the teacher..
we never had the last-minute-homework-rush thing together every morning..
we never shared the same secrets like we did the last time..
we never freaked out while playing balls..
yeah..i know.. it's only the first week.. GAHH~!!!

and now..i'm in my comfy bedroom.. typing this post..
the familiar cherry smell of the bedroom has never failed calmed me down..
looking around..i have so many memories in this room..
this was where i used to cry alone..when i thought my friends weren't there for me..
some of you have even been half-naked here before..
in form 1.. elena and i were practicing never had a dream come true in this exact spot..
this was where ben put on the blonde wig to make me smile..
this was where michelle lim had a sleepover and we went on omegle and pretended to be britney spears..
this was where fang fang and i were being so damn gan chong for gacc..

i miss all of you guys and i hope i can kidnap all of you up to kl T_T
and yeah..staying with leah is nice~!! she is my 2nd mother :D




ps i am happily typing this with tears in my eyes [for god knows why] in my lovely pink bedroom on a queen sized bed :D

I'll play for you.

dating with women
Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at 6:21 PM

dating with women <3


First date: You get to kiss her goodnight.

Second date: You get to grope all over and make out a bit.

Third date: You get to have sex but only in the missionary position.


First Date: You both get blind drunk and have sex.

Second Date: You both get blind drunk and have sex.

20th Anniversary: You both get blind drunk and have sex.


First Date: You take her to a play and an expensive restaurant.

Second Date: You meet her parents and her Mom makes spaghetti & meatballs.

Third Date: You have sex, she wants to marry you & insists on a 3-carat ring.

5th Anniversary: You already have 5 kids together & hate the thought of having sex.

6th Anniversary: You find yourself a Mistress.


First Date: You get terrific head.

Second Date: You get even more great head.

Third Date: You tell her you’ll marry her and never get head again.


First date: You get to buy her an expensive dinner but nothing happens.

Second date: You buy her an even more expensive dinner. Nothing happens again.

Third date: You don’t even get to the third date and you’ve already realized nothing is ever going to happen.


First date: Meet her parents.

Second date: Set the date of the wedding.

Third date: Wedding night.


First Date: You get to buy her a real expensive dinner.

Second Date: You get to buy her and her girlfriends a real expensive dinner.

Third Date: You get to pay her rent.

Tenth Date: She’s pregnant by someone other than you.


First Date: You buy her an expensive dinner, get drunk on Tequila, and have sex in the back of her car.

Second Date: She’s pregnant.

Third Date: She moves in. One week later, her mother, father, his girlfriend, her two sisters, her brother, all of their kids, her grandma, her father’s girlfriend’s mother, her two cousins, her sister’s Boyfriend and his three kids move in and you live on rice and beans for the rest of your life in your home that used to be nice, but now looks like a home along the Tijuana strip.


First Date: Mother, Father, Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Friends and entire arab community finds out.

Second Date: You are shot dead.

No third date.

I'll play for you.

taylors college orientation day
at 5:08 PM

this is officially the 1st day i started college..
everyone is telling me that this orientation is like..a big thing..
and for me.. it was..well.. normal..
everyone kept asking me how did the day go and i have no reply.. so i'm gonna post what these ppl can now exactly how was it =.=

i woke up..and also woke my roommates leah and joo ann together due to the loud noises i make.. what? it's their fault that they're light sleepers :P after that breakfast, clothes yada yada yada~~

left apartment and walk to school [which only takes about 2 or 3 minutes] together with jo ann.. after that.. went to join the 1 to/ongs [ie. khay tong and gim toong] and 2 girls which names i have forgotten and the pink shirt guy [hey~!! i met another pinkie in kl~!!]

we went to the multipurpose hall for the orientation.. and WOW.. the whole freaking hall was full and it was so hard to find a place to sit == we came in [almost] just in time for the orientation so yeah the speech started.. you don't wanna know what was it cause you'll probably fall asleep lol == and kt started complaining that his class won't have much girls and if they do..they'll probably be ugly ==

10/11 something
ice breaking session and met a few ppl which i can't remember their names == we were put into a group of 5 and we're suppose to write down the similarities that we have..there's this group who wrote we all hate justin bieber and i loled my head of XD

ate at asia cafe with my new classmates [ i feel like a primary school student ==] after that..me and this girl call shin yee [i donno how to spell her name] went to buy second hand books for college.. and yeah.. i'm not as rich as the other taylorians so...yeah..money's a huge problem for me.. they sold the calculator for RM 250 when it's ori price is RM 450... spent around RM 80 for a few books.. thats it :)

went back to class [god knows why] and dismiss by our dear esl teacher :D

~~~~~~~~~~~~memory failure~~~~~~~~~~~~

aaaaaannndddd.. my room mate left her black berry here when she went back to klang.. *steal*

at night.. leah and tharane brought me to this place to know what does shisha smell likes..
[i think thats how we spell it]
it's actually a kind of drug and it's like cigaratte smoke but it's not addictive..
it gives out some kind of sweet smell.. like strawberries..
that is the smell i must learn to hate..
i MUST not try it..

thats all for now.. see ya ^^

I'll play for you.

beware of taxis..
Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 1:23 PM

once again..
i failed as a blogger..
but.. i'm gonna start blogging again~!!
i have officially graduated from SMK IJC~!!
goodbye hot stuffy and dusty classrooms, goodbye to vandalized tables and chairs..
i am now a taylorian whoo hoo~!! [or whatever you called it
there's nothing much happening this few days.. but newsblast~!!
I ALMOST GOT MURDERED or raped or robbed..god knows..
yes.. i'm serious.. it all happened on my first day here..
heres the full story..
leah, aisyah, shasi and i wanted to take a cab from our apartment at ss 15 [subang] to sunway to have dinner at full house..
so yeah.. we went to look for a taxi and found our guy..
but suddenly.. this guy appeared from no where and told us he could fetch us to sunway for RM 10..
so yeah.. we followed him..
we were laughing and talking happily in the car when suddenly the guy told us it was jam so he decided to switch lane for RM 20.. shasi told him not too for the jam wasn't that bad..actually.. i don't remember a jam at all..
shasi told him not to switch lane but he told us he already passed the turning.. we were all thinking the exact same thing at that moment.. maybe he just wants more money..so whatever la..
then suddenly..we saw the police.. and he switched routes again.. that was when we realized that the taxi had no licence whatsoever.. and there he was cursing at the policemen..
he told us he had to switch lanes again and this time its RM30.. and somehow..we ended up on a mothafuckin highway.. like wtf right?!?!?!?!
then all of a sudden.. he asked us questions that freaked all of us out..
"do you have a passport or ic with you? " "do you have any relatives here in kl that would miss you once you're gone?"
i was like holy shit..
then.. leah picked up her phone and pretended to call someone and told them that we're gonna reach sunway soon.. and i quickly texted my father and ben the carplate number of the taxi [HB 8916.. i don't think i'll ever forget that number]
when we reached the toll.. instead of going right tru it.. he turned into the lane for the motorbikes and brought us to dark and deserted area.. obviously we were all scared.. shasi told the guy to reverse but he suddenly got pissed and insisted on going straight.. this was when leah REALLY called her parents.. and at the same time ben called me.. we immediately told them where we were.. eventhough we have no idea.. and told them the carplate number of the taxi.. the driver got pissed and shouted " YES! HB 8916.. yellow taxi..anything else you wanna know?!?!?" oh god.. we were so frightened we closed our calls a while after that..
we appeared on the highway again.. and we don't see any signboards..
i felt so trapped.. in a car.. we can't do anything.. we're on a highway.. no one can hear us even if we shouted..
we stopped at a traffic light a while later [i don't know why there was one on a highway] and he wanted to turn into a alley.. leah said she rather not and i said it's better to continue on the highway.. he got pissed again and started driving recklessly..
we all finally calmed down when we saw the lakeside campus.. and yes.. he did bring us to sunway at last..
but you know how much?!?!


that asshole of a taxi driver...ish.. i'm never gonna take a taxi at night again..EVER..
well at least we were all save in the end.. we can't put a price on safetly should we?

well..that was mostly what happened on my first day here.. sorry for the suckish english.. haven't been blogging or writing for a while now.. going out for lunch now.. ciao~!!

ps. still sick :(

I'll play for you.

98 things to do when u are bored in class : D
Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 8:58 PM

first, i'm bored and have nothing else better to do..
normally..we would day dream in class to pass time..
now, here are some things you can do when u are bored in class and can annoy the hell out of everyone...

1. Devise a secret code with your friends then hand in the homework in that code

2. Continually ask questions so that the teacher can’t give homework

3. Answer the teacher’s questions in slow motion

4. Answer questions only with one word

5. Scream random words without anybody noticing it’s you

6. Continuously yawn until everyone is yawning

7. Ask your teacher personal questions

8. Every time the teacher finishes talking clap

9. Eat paper

10. Talk very fast

11. Call the teacher "Mum" or "Dad"

12. Count your hair

13. Talk with an accent
14. Answer questions in a different language

15. Fake spasms

16. Pretend to be scared of everything

17. Draw cartoon characters of your classmates or of the teacher

18. Quote family guy

19. Write out plan on how to conquer the world

20. Pretend to choke

21. Pretend to be drunk

22. Tap your feet on the ground loudly

23. Raise your hand for every question your teacher asks you but answer “oh i forgot”

24. Pretend to slip

25. Wink at the teacher

26. Wink at random people

27. Smack your thigh and smile at the people who look at you

28. Smile the whole lesson

29. When the teacher enters the room give a low bow

30. Pretend to sleep and snore loudly

31. Drop your pen and say "accio"

32. Ask your teacher where the potions room is

33. Ask the teacher where he/she is

34. Fake fart sounds [HMM..WHO AR?!?!?!?]

35. Ask the teacher for his/her phone number

36. Spill you pencil case/box on the floor

37. Pretend to be sick

38. Pretend to have photographic memory

39. Fake flashbacks

40. Tell people “I’m pregnant”

41. Ask out the teacher

42. Repeat movie lines

43. Pretend you are Harry Potter and your scar hurts

44. Sing your favourite song

45. Twitter the whole lesson

46. Pretend to be Indian

47. Write a love note to the teacher

48. Talk to yourself

49. Snort eraser dust

50. When the teacher enters the room scream "next"

51. When the teacher enters the room ask for a refund

52. On your assignments write very small or extremely big

53. Act like a nerd

54. Pull a "Michael Jackson" [HAHAHAHAHA XDD EPIC~!!]

55. Put some red ink on a ruler, then slash your wrists with it so people think you cut yourself

56. Talk in slang

57. Get into a fight with yourself

58. Pretend you are a gangster

59. Pretend you are high

60. Bring a bag of flour to school and on your desk make lines of flour and attempt to snort them

61. Once the teacher enters the room get the whole class to sing the national anthem

62. Pretend to have a gun in your pocket and shoot everyone with your fingers

63. Stare at one object in the classroom for one lesson

64. Rate the teacher

65. Pretend you are "Susan Boyle" and sing "I Dream a Dream"

66. Touch a plug and pretend to get electrocuted

67. Fart

68. Sleep

69. Make odd animal noises

70. Act like an undercover spy7

1. Write down everything the teacher says while repeating what they say

72. Laugh stupidly for no reason

73. Act as if you were blind

74. Sit on the floor and beg for money

75. Think of the best excuses for being late/ not handing in your homework

76. Lick your stationary seductively while staring at a person

77. Begin cussing at your self

78. Talk in gangster rap

79. Challenge your teacher to a rap battle

80. Pretend to chew gum

81. Point out the window and say "LOOK EVERYBODY SPIDERMAN" once every one looks say "oh too late he’s gone now" [maybe not spiderman...santa claus..remember? XD]

82. Write a love note and leave it on the chair when you change period

83. Play an air guitar

84. Throw paper airplanes

85. Say random facts about people

86. Go up to someone you have never talked to before then tell them "I have this problem for years now i can’t take it anymore”"

87. Narrate your life

88. Beat box

89. Whistle at random things

90. Count random things

91. Pass notes to people you have no interest in

92. Ask personal details about people you would never have talked to

93. Play your favorite song in your head

94. Think of what the teacher’s life was like

95. Rhyme the last words of everybody’s sentences

96. Play paper football

97. Search in your bag/binder for things you don’t have

98. Attempt to Find Nemo

the one's in pink are the ones i did before ==

I'll play for you.

i miss you~
at 8:56 PM

i miss you.i miss you i miss you i miss you i miss you i miss you i miss you i miss you i miss you

i miss you so much...
i cant concentrate on whatever i'm doing..[which includes studying ==]
i feel so dead...

I'll play for you.

mental torture..
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 6:22 PM

exams are just around the corner and..
guess what?
i hvnt even looked at the book yet..
i cant remember what ive learn..
i wasted my cny holidays by going out every single day ==
imma so dead..
and our bio teacher told us that day..
gosh...that would be dead embaressing..
gtg study now..[anyone out there belive me? pfft...]

and i swear to god..
i dont belive you guys hvnt studied *stares at you all*
okay..really gtg now..
my mum is ranting behind me asking me to go study [she does that everyday..no suprise lols]

I'll play for you.

form 5?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 11:23 PM

i feel so..
form 5 life sucks..
i cant go out..
i cant do this and or that..
and i need to study..
but all i do is stare at the freaking book and day dream in lala land~
i am left behind in all my school work..
and i'm suppose to be doing my karangan now..
not on9..
suppose to be searching for something chemistry-related..
but i couldn't concentrate..
and worst of all...i'm missing him like mad...i'm dying..

I'll play for you.